Monday, January 16, 2017

"I prudence wisdom dwell with prudence, and find out knowledge of witty inventions" (Prov.8.12)

Since the very beginning, mankind has been asking:

1.   Where did man come from?
2.   Where is man now?
3.   Where is man going in the future?

These questions are considered "witty inventions". In fact, the answers to them (and much more!) are in the Bible - yes, in  the Bible, which is merely considered a "simple-historic book" of jews and christians alike - nothing else! - by nonbelievers. Of course, we, believers, respect all opinions. But, but think it over:

1.   1/3 (one third) of global population are christians!;
2.   Millions have died for the cause of Christ, never denying Him, never!;
3.   Millions of people have had their lives totally transformed due to the message of Jesus Christ.

In 2017, do yourself something different and rewarding: read the Bible and be transformed, as well.

May Jesus Christ bless and protect you today and ever!

Pastor and radio presenter in
5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype pcesarsampaio

Tuesday, November 15, 2016

Dear  friends:

We have just re-activated our RADIO  BENEDICTUS FM, a well-know Gospel Instrumental Radio located  in the city of Fortaleza, northern Brazil. You can now listen, enjoy and share good music, from all corners of the world!

Keep coming back to our site!

God bless you!

5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype  pcesarsampaio

Monday, August 15, 2016


From today onwards, I shall publish Devotionals every 7 days.

May God bless all of my readers & viewers!

Pastor and presenter at
5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype    pcesarsampaio

Friday, August 05, 2016

“The eyes of the Lord are on the righteous, and his ears are attentive to their cry” (v. 15)

At times, when we do bad things, we think nobody can see us! Yet, the Lord who is in Heavens (and on earth), does not keep watching over us, day after day. We often cry begging Him for things supposedly very important to us. At the end, He may give us (or not!). It all depends on his willling, and not on our complaints!

Let's keep begging; but also doing good things! 


Pastor at
5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype   pcesarsampaio

Tuesday, May 17, 2016


In politics, things are very complicated!

President must negotiate with all parties in order to have his plans examined and approved by the Lower and Upper Houses. Well, let's see the next weeks...!!!

5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype    pcesarsampaio

Friday, May 13, 2016


From yesterday (12/05/2016) onwards, Brazill will be rulled by Mr. Michel Temer. Dilma Rousseff was suspended and will be under a trial for up to 180 days at the Congress. By 55 votes (favourable) against 22 votes (unfavavourable), Congress suspended the administration of the frist woman to ever reach the presidency of Brazil.

Today, May 13th, 2016, the new cabinet of Mr. Michel Temer, was gathered to discuss the first actions to be taken - as urgent as possible - in order to grant better times to the whole population of the country, after the political and economic disaster of his predecessor Dilma Rousseff.

We, brazilians, we will watch and see! If necessary, we shall equally suspend Mr. Michel, too.

Paulo Cesar Sampaio
Pastor and radio announcer at
5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype     pcesarsampaio

Saturday, March 19, 2016


I invite you to watch this video.

God bless you!

5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype     pcesarsampaio

Monday, November 09, 2015


Have you been under trials? Me, too!

Let's pray for each other? Great!

5585 9  9982 1165 Whatsapp
Skype      pcesarsampaio
Face         pcesarsampaio

Thursday, August 20, 2015

"Do not love the world or anything that belongs to the world. If you love the world, you do not love the Father" (1st John 2.15).

Taking a first glance, it seems very difficult to "not love the world" we are in - even until the bones!

Yet, the text says that if we "love the world", then the Father shall not love us... How to do, or better saying: what to do, then!?

1.   Keep your mind on things above; not on things on earth;
2.   Your real life is hidden in Christ, when He apears;
3.   Do your very best in all things, as if they should be done to Him (Christ);
4.   Share good doings and good words! We should not be sad 24 hours a day;
5.   Put your faith in Christ; not on human beings - always prone to fail.

Have a great and blessed day!

5585 9  9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype    pcesarsampaio

Friday, February 06, 2015

Who is directing your life, today and ever?

Listen to this short video right now!

God bless you!

5585 9982 1165 whatsapp
Skype              pcesarsampaio
"Since you are God's little children, you must try to be like Him" (Ephesians 5.1). 

Yes, we have come to February-2015, and this is one more reason for which we should all be happy: we are all His children! This implies that:

1.   We should at least try to be like Him;
2.   We should at least try to make less mistakes  in 2015;
3.   We should at least read our Bible, much more;
4.   We should at least start making more "goods" rather than "bads";
5.   We should at least consider others as brothers and sisters; and not as "enemies to be beaten".

Is your religion making you better or worse? In case of "worse", then change yourself (and your religion, of course!). Get to know Jesus Christ! He will make you much better!

5585 9982 1165 whatsapp
Skype      pcesarsampaio

Tuesday, January 20, 2015


I will be short: Happy 2015 to all my readers!

We all hope (and pray hard!) we all might have a blessed year!

Much of the "good & bad" will heavily depend on ourselves!

The all possible things ought to be worked out day after day...

The all im-possible things should be handled to God Himself!

5585 9982 1165 whatsapp
Skype    pcesarsampaio

Tuesday, December 23, 2014


"(...) and shall call His name Jesus" (Luke 1.33)

And then we come again into December, and we should all celebrate the birth of Jesus Christ, whom changed the dates of the world into: before Christ; after Christ. This big change caused great  joy to billions of people and - at the same time - made other billions to explode in hatred.

We all naturally know that Jesus was not born on December 26th. But, it does not matter at all. The important point is the celebration itself. He was actually born so that we might re-born by believing in Him, until our last moment on earth.

Come on! Visit your parents, and relatives, and friends and anyone else whom you love and have a big celebration today - better saying: throughout all year 2015! Hurry up!

May God bless all of you!

5585 9982 1165 whatsapp
Skype    pcesarsampaio

Thursday, December 18, 2014

"Every way of a man is right in his own eyes: but the Lord ponders the heart" (Prov. 21.2)

Let's be honest: almost all (if not all) ways are right in our own eyes. The point is that, after some time, we realize that things did not work out accordingly... exactly because they were not God's own desires! Well, and then, what to do!? How to fix and/or adjust the whole mess?

1.  We should take more time in praying and planning "our ways".
2.  We should surrender our plans in God's own hands.
3.  We hould be alert to the "signs" that our plans are "in God's route".
4.  IF the "signs" are negative... well, something seems NOT to be in accordance, and must be fixed.
5.  Waiting is the secret. We must wait, patiently.

God bless all my readers with a fantastic Christmas and a happy new 2015!

5585 9982 1165 whatsapp
Skype    pcesarsampaio

Monday, September 22, 2014


Dear readers,

Please read the arcticle below, from the brazilian senate.

I am against this voting-machine, unless that it brings a printing-machine, to have votes conferred by the voter. There is NOT a safe system, at all. The whole world knows it, but NOT the brazilian government!

Paulo Cesar Sampaio
5585 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype    pcesarsampaio

The electronic voting machine was released in 1996 in order to compute the votes of millions of voters more quickly and safely. Eighteen years later, Brazil celebrates the success of the system, which had no confirmed threat of fraud and was adopted in various countries.
The elections became completely computerized in 2000, and the original design of the voting machine has been updated various times since then. Both the hardware and the various programs that make up the electronic voting system were planned and developed with supervision by the Superior Electoral Court.
The results of the 2010 presidential elections came out at 8:04 PM, setting a new world record for the counting of votes.
In 2009, the court invited over 30 information technology specialists to undertake public safety tests of the electronic voting machine. After four days of attempts, none of them managed to hack the system or bypass the data. In another round of public tests, in 2012, a team from the University of Brasília (UnB) managed to “unwind” the order of the votes recorded by the voting machine, but did not manage to identify the voters.
This Brazilian innovation has been adopted in Ecuador, Paraguay, Argentina, Costa Rica and the Dominican Republic. In the United States, Mexico and Canada, the electronic voting machine is used, but in some states and provinces, there are specific laws that require printed votes conferred by the voter.
According to the Information Technology Secretary of the TSE, Giuseppe Janino, the computerization of votes in the country is “a successful project”, particularly when it comes to the electoral justice’s commitment in continuously improving the technology and tackling every kind of risk. He understands that “there is always room to move forward”, but that this needs to be done with caution, since the improvements must be made in accordance with security criteria and with the cultural knowledge acquired by the Brazilian citizen.
How it works
The electronic voting machine is a microcomputer specifically designed for the elections: resistant, small, lightweight, with its own energy source and with security resources.   The voting machine consists of two terminals: the board member’s terminal, where the voter registers and is authorized to vote, and the voter’s terminal, where the vote is recorded numerically.
The software of the voting machine is a version of the operating system Linux, developed by an authorized company. By means of computer programs, the rules of the voting system are converted into computer language (source code).
Six months prior to the elections, the code is released, so that the political parties, the Brazilian Bar Association (OAB) and the Public Ministry can scan the system for errors. Representatives from these organizations digitally sign the programs compiled, tested and signed by the TSE.
The final versions of the voting systems are recorded in non-rewritable media types, physically binded and stored in the court’s safe-room. Before the voting round, the data on the electoral precinct and district are loaded, besides the data on the candidates.
After the voting round is finished, the ballot, the digital recording of the votes, the absent voters, the voting justifications and the event logger are recorded. All the files are digitally signed. The ballot and the digital recording of the vote, besides being signed, are ciphered.

Friday, September 19, 2014


For the fourth time, the president of Argentina, Christina Kirchner, will meet pope Francisco.

In case you understand Spanish, please have a look at the artice below.

Situation is not actually confortable for Argentina.

5585 9982 1165
Skype pcesarsampaio

Cristina Kirchner pasó el día sin salir de su hotel de Roma, adonde llegó hoy para reunirse mañana en El Vaticano con el papa Francisco. La Presidenta eligió quedarse descansando en su habitación del hotel Edén, ubicado en los altos de la Plaza España y con una de las vistas más codiciadas de la antigua capital imperial.
El encuentro a solas tendrá lugar en la Casa de Santa Marta, el hotel interno del Vaticano donde Francisco reside. Como en el "pranzo" entre ambos del el 17 de marzo de este año, la agenda es totalmente abierta.
Es la cuarta vez que el Papa y Cristina dialogan directamente. Además de los dos almuerzos de este año, la presidenta comió con Francisco en Santa Marta el 18 de marzo de 2013, el día antes de la ceremonia oficial de inicio del pontificado de Jorge Bergoglio. El 28 de julio en Río de Janeiro, donde en el primer viaje internacional de su reinado el pontífice presidía la Jornada Mundial de la Juventud, ambos volvieron a verse por segunda vez.

Thursday, September 18, 2014


One of the richest man in the world, the brazilian Eike Batista, has been loosing billions of US dollars after having entered into petroleum business. This week, de declared that he does not actually feel confortable for being back into middle class.

Nevertheless, he is used to start all over again from the scratch.

Have a look at the article below.

Paulo Cesar Sampaio
5585 9982 1165 mobile
Skype   pcesarsampaio

Have a look at article below.
In  fact, cars in Brazil are stupidly and unacceptably expensive.
Now, with the crisis in Argentina, our beloved country of Brazl "start" searching new markets!
What a shame! Economists and "those who understand of car dealing" usually suggest:
1.  Government should minimize taxes charges to car makers;
2.  Brazilian car makers should reduce their BIG profits;
3.  Brazilian car makers should BE MORE EFFICIENT.

Paulo Cesar Sampaio
5585 9982 1165 (a victim of car makers...)
Skype pcesarsampaio

Luiz Moan, president of Anfavea, association that represents the auto industry in Brazil, begins this Thursday a pilgrimage in search of new export contracts. If he is successful, the automotive industry will reduce its dependence on the Argentine market, which absorbs 80% of Brazilian exports. The sector is one of the most affected by restrictions imposed by the Argentine government on imports to try to maintain the level of its reserves. Colombia is the first destination of Mr. Moan, who is accompanied by an Argentine: Adefa, which represents carmakers in Argentina, is also seeking new business because falling demand in Brazil hurt vehicle production across the border. In October Mr. Moan goes to Uruguay, and later Ecuador is also on his agenda. Anfavea also intends to resume negotiations with Mexico, a market that Brazilian auto makers have lost for lack of competitiveness. 

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