Thursday, November 10, 2005

Bush in Brazil: November 5-6, 2005

Bush came to Brasilia, capital of Brazil, last Saturday 5, 2005. He had been to Mar del Plata - Argentina, to take part in the America's Hemisphere Meeting which, in fact, was not succesfull at all. Bush departed from Argentina before the summit ended! He had to meet the brazilian president Lula da Silva.

In Brazil, everything had been arranged to welcome Bush: hotel fully reserved + 250 special american agents + thousand of brazilian agents, etc. Bush has not been welcomed wherever he goes... Why would that be?

a. Bush invaded Afganistan;
b. Bush invaded Iraq;
c. ONU, previously disrespected by Bush, now authorized him to stay one year more in Iraq;
d. Bush policy to Latin America has not been a good one - as usual.

Bush has been forcing the Free Trade of Americas to be accepted by all - regardless of what other countries think about it - mainly Mercosur people: Brazil, Argentina, Uruguay and Paraguay. Bush listens to all, but wants to do what he thinks to be right. That's all and the true fact! The Free Trade of Americas will not be put into force until some fair and equal consensus comes up - for the benefit of all, of all and not only to the US as the dominant economic power.

Last, but not least, US, at first, stopped purchasing meat from Brazil due to a disease on our cattle (foot and mouth disease).Brazil is world's top beef-selling nation. Over 45 nations banned imports of beef from Brazil since the outbreak happened on October 10, 2005. President Lula offered a barbecue to Bush - okay, not with FMD, but from ranches in that state - Mato Grosso, just to prove that the meat is in perfect condition to be consumed.

Both Bush and Lula da Silva had talks for couple of hours - altogether. Bush's idea is to support Lula as a leading force-influence in South America and, at the same time, avoid Hugo Chavez's fiery and populist speeches to keep spreading communism all over this important region of the globe.

Lula asked Bush to lessen subsidies given to the farmers in US, for this has been avoiding brazilian products to enter US market. Likewise, Bush declared to do it in case Europe also lessened their subsidies to farmers over there. Let's wait and see...

Bush regreted for not being able to visit "beautiful Brazil"... but promised to accept Lula's invitation to come back here and go fishing with Lula - soon after both leave presidencies behind.

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