Sunday, January 22, 2017

Integrity - what does it really mean?

I know that you are pleased with me, for my enemy does not triumph over me. Because of my integrity you uphold me and set me in your presence forever (Pssalm 41.11-12).

Honestly speaking: it is always very, very difficult to please someone, exactly because we never know all the "preferences" of the person to whom we wish to approach... But, if we look up our eyes upon heavens, we shall gladly feel that He has been pleased with us - taking from the fact that we have been trying to live His commandments. 

Saying it differently: 

1.  To please someone takes time - a long time!;
2.  We all have enemies. At times, we have'em inside our own family;
3.  Integrity means a decent-modest life, Spirit-filled by the Lord;
4.  To be set by the Lord, it requires a decent-modest life;
5.  We should all pursue happiness by means of integrity. 

May all my readers have a decent-blessed week, and life! 

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