Wednesday, December 25, 2024


So it's Christmas – again – and we are preparing for the festivities: at the company, in the family, wherever we can go and/or are invited! After all, food and gifts are a perfect combination! Yes – and there are also drinks, many and of all types, for all tastes! After all, it's Christmas!

But is this really what Christmas is? Hmm – 'this' is part of Christmas, but it is not essentially Christmas! Christmas is:

  • The celebration of the birth of Jesus Christ;
  • The adoration of the birthday boy;
  • The incarnation of God in the humanity of Jesus Christ;
  • The opportunity to recognize Jesus Christ as our lord and savior.

So, go! Go and celebrate Christmas with your family and friends!

PCSampaio /


Monday, August 12, 2024

For me to live is Christ and to die is gain (Philippians 1.21)

Life is a precious gift from God.

Only God could take life from us.

Paul had a difficult life before he met Christ.

After he met Christ, life became even more difficult!

Difficulties are natural in any life, whether human or animal.

Paul discovered the secret: despite the difficulties, to live is Christ, to die (in Christ) is gain. Eternal gain. Eternal life.

Stay alive!

Pastor PCSampaio /journalist-broadcaster DRT CE 6705 

Thursday, February 16, 2023

Russia VS Ukraine

Vlad Putin has been in power since 2000. So that's 23 years! And he wants to perpetuate himself in power! The misfortune is that he thinks he is an orthodox Christian, and he still has the support of the Church in his country!

It is known that about 50 thousand people have already died in the Russia-Ukraine war, which actually started in 2014. Thousands more will die in front of television cameras and a bunch of cowards who call themselves leaders of their countries!

What to do?

1. Nothing;

2. Let Putin destroy Ukraine;

3. Give Ukraine more weapons;

4. Pray and pretend that the war will soon be over.

Shadowy moment of a crazy-stupid world!


Journalist-radiobroadcaster DRT CE 6705

5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp WeChat




Thursday, April 21, 2022


Acts 20:35

In everything I did, I showed you that by this kind of hard work we must help the weak, remembering the words the Lord Jesus himself said: 'It is more blessed to give than to receive. 

Be gentle, be original, be someone who shall actually influence the world! 

Yes, it is far more blessed to give than to receive.

Paulo Cesar Sampaio
Pastor - Assembly of God
Fortaleza - Brazil

5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp & WeChat

Saturday, May 16, 2020

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

PRAISING JESUS CHRIST IN THE TIME OF COVID19 Life has been very hard for the whole world over the past monthes! Covid19 has been devastating to thousands of families. Yet, while there is life, there is hope - especially when we believe in God, who actually controls (allows) all things to happen. Let's keep on praying, and being safe, and well, and at a certain physical distancing (not emotional distancing). God is good all the time.

5585 9 9982 1165 WhatsApp
Skype pcesarsampaio

Thursday, September 19, 2019